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文 / huaxia   日期:2019-04-24 13:51

           童星出道,自幼进入观众视野,先后出演了《新乌龙院》、《无敌反斗星》、《赌圣》、《少年包青天》、《倚天屠龙记》等多部影视剧作品,陪伴无数 80 后、90 后共同成长,其正气凛然、热血刚劲的少年形象成为一个时代的标签。
The audiences must be familiar with him, who debuted as child star, and came into the sight of audiences when he is young. He successively starred in shaolin popey ii messy temple, super mischieves, the saint of gamblers, juvenile justice bao, the new 
heaven sword and dragon sabre, and so on. His works accompany countless the post-80s and the post-90s' growth. The juvenile image of awe-inspiring righteousness and strong passion becomes an era label.